IELTS speaking selection criteria

IELTS speaking selection criteria

This section is a face-to-face conversation between candidate and the examiner. This test consists of an oral interview between the test taker and an examiner. All Speaking tests are recorded. Each of these parts will be awarded equal weight-age and these scores will be averaged to provide a final band score for the speaking module.

Duration Parts Versions
10-14 Minutes 3 IELTS Speaking
  • Part 1:- Introduction & overview
    • In this section, examiner will introduce himself/herself and ask test taker to introduce yourself and confirm their identity. The examiner will ask you some questions on familiar topics. It will last for 4-5 minutes.
  • Part 2:- Individual Long turn
    • The examiner will give you a task card which asks you to talk about particular topic. The instructions to guide your talk are written on a card given to you by the examiner. Including points all points in your talk. You will be given one minute to prepare and make notes. Then you are required to talk to 1-2 minutes on that topic.
  • Part 3:- Two-way discussion
    • In this section examiner will ask you further question which are connected to the topic of part 2. These questions are designed to give your opportunity to discuss more about your ideas and views. This part of the test requires discussion of more abstract ideas.

Scoring Criteria based on following factors

  • Fluency and coherence

    This refers to how good the candidate is at keeping talking at the right speed, natural pauses and how good they are at connecting their ideas together.

  • Lexical resource

    This refers to how much vocabulary the candidate has and how well they use it. As well as the rules of language at a word level.

  • Grammatical range and accuracy

    This refers to how many structures the candidate has and how well they use them. Again, as well as the rules of language.

• Pronunciation

This refers to how well the candidate pronounces the language. As well as considering the communicative effect of the candidate's pronunciation, there is evaluation of how much strain it causes on a listener, and how noticeable their accent is.

Tips for Speaking test:-

• Speak fluently and without hesitation,

• Use various vocabulary,

• Avoid grammar mistakes,

• Pronounce words well

• Ask for clarification if needed

• Express your opinions and ideas clearly

• Develop your answers. Don’t speak pre-prepared answers.

IELTS Speaking Module- IELTS Experts

Therefore always free from repetition

The IELTS measures the language proficiency of person who wants to study, work or migrate English speaking country. It uses a nine-band scale to clearly identify levels of proficiency, from non-user

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