IELTS General Reading

IELTS General Reading

IELTS general reading is different from academic reading in many ways but mainly it is different because the difficulty level of language of texts. The general reading test is 60 minutes of duration test with 40 questions. It consists of 3 sections. However the section number one and two might have more than one. The difficulty level of sections increases per section.

Duration Sections Versions
60 Minutes 4 General Training Reading

IELTS General reading sections

Section 1

This section contains two or more short factual texts with topics that will be relevant to your everyday life when you live abroad in an English environment. For example, a text may consist of a number of advertisements for restaurants. Texts are not long and facture rather than descriptive.

IELTS General reading types of questions

A variety of question types is used. You may be asked to:-

  • 1. Multiple choices
    • Multiple choice tests a wide range of reading skills, including detailed understanding of specific points or an overall understanding of the main points of the text. You are required to choose
    • The best answer from four alternatives (A, B, C or D),
    • The best two answers from five alternatives (A, B, C, D or E),
    • The best three answers from seven alternatives (A, B, C, D, E, F or G).
  • 2. Identification of writer's views/claims - yes, no or not given
    • You will be given a number of statements and asked: ‘Do the following statements agree with the views/claims of the writer?’ You are required to write ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘not given’ in the boxes on their answer sheet.
  • 3. Identification of information - true, false or not given
    • You will be given a number of statements and asked: ‘Do the following statements agree with the information in the text?’ You are then required to write ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘not given’ in the boxes on their answer sheets.
  • 4. Matching information
    • You are required to locate specific information within the lettered paragraphs or sections of a text, and to write the letters of the correct paragraphs or sections in the boxes on their answer sheet.
  • 5. Matching features
    • In this question type, you need to match a set of statements or a piece of information to the list of options given. The options are group of features from the passage. For example, you need to match different events to historical periods. It might be possible that some options will not be used while some may be used more than once.
  • 6. Match sentence endings
    • In this type of question, you are given the first half of a sentence based on the text and asked to choose the best way to complete it from a list of possible options. You will have more options to choose from passage.
  • 7. Sentence completion
    • In this type of question you will be asked to complete the sentence with specific number of words. The instruction will give you clear idea about how many words you are allowed to use per sentence. You are requires to write your answer on answer sheet.
  • 8. Summary note / flowchart / table completion
    • In this question type, you are given summary of a section of the text, and are required to complete it with information drawn from the text. You need to fill in the gap in the summary, note, table or flowchart in context to the passage
  • 9. Diagram label completion
    • This type of question, you are required to complete labels on a diagram, which is related to a description contained in the given text.
  • 10. Short Question-Answers
    • In this section, you are required to answer questions, which usually relate to factual information about details in the text. This is most likely to be used with a text that contains a lot of factual information and detail.
    • Test takers must write their answers in words or numbers on the answer sheet. Test takers must write their answers using words from the text. Sometimes you will need to give one word as your answer, sometimes a short phrase, and sometimes simply a letter, number or symbol. Make sure you read the instructions carefully.
    • The instructions will make it clear how many words/numbers test takers should use in their answers, e.g. ‘NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage’, ‘ONE WORD ONLY’ or ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS’.

IELTS General Reading Tips

To improve your performance in the Reading test you need to practice reading a variety of English texts. This will help you develop the ability to read quickly, as is required under test conditions.

• Read every question carefully first before reading the passages. This will make it easier for you to find the answers. Underline possible answers as you go.

• When you come to reading the passage, read it quickly the first time in order to get a general idea of what it’s about. Don’t worry about words you do not understand. Then read each question again to remind yourself which parts of the passage you will need to read again in detail.

• The Reading passages always contain the information you need to answer the question. You won’t have to use your own knowledge of a topic.

• If you are copying words from a question or reading passage to use in your answer, remember that your spelling must be accurate.

• The Reading test may sometimes include questions which test your overall understanding of a passage. For example, the question may ask what the topic of a particular passage is. Try underlining key words and ideas in each paragraph as you read to help you understand the key message of each passage.

• Circle or underline key words as you read. For example, if a reading passage contains many place names or dates, circle them as you go along. This will make it easier to find these details later, if they come up in any of the questions.

• If you are asked to label a diagram, you will find the words you need in the text. Be sure to copy them carefully from the text with the correct spelling.

• If there are questions you cannot answer, leave them and move on to the next question. This will help you to stay calm and positive. Go back to those questions at the end, if you have time.

• Make sure you write down your answers for the Reading test on the answer sheet - not the question paper. There will be no extra time to transfer your answers after the Reading test.

IELTS Reading General Module- IELTS Experts

Therefore always free from repetition

The IELTS measures the language proficiency of person who wants to study, work or migrate English speaking country. It uses a nine-band scale to clearly identify levels of proficiency, from non-user

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